Blogging at the mall... traipsing with the camera

Friday, your last day of the week and next to the weekend days. But as of the moment, something is taking place at a nearby mall. Ah yes! A blogging event hosted by Internet’s pop culture guru: Azrael Coladilla. So I was there along with the Convergence team to cover the event (I was there to blog about the event). Would you believe if I told you that even a grandpa participated in the event?

Oh well, the Convergence team asked some of the bloggers about their blogs and I was happily taking photos of the event. A lot of people were there to surf their hearts out. Wifi is free so everyone joined in. And there’s even a free laptop to be given away. So much for just hanging out at the mall… I hope this happens at the mall: Everyday…

Being a blogger myself, having the essentials in blogging is a must: laptop, wifi connection and a cozy place to stay and just lounge, blog my day away. I guess being at the mall, won’t just be a quick stopover at the department store to get what I need, or be at the grocery to buy my food. Next time, I will remind myself to bring any wifi enabled gadget the soonest time I head to the mall. Good reasons why I should hang-out there more often.

Here are some photos from that day:


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