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There and Back Again

  It's been a while since I have last written. Been busy here and about doing the daily grind and toiling away. But where to begin? Of course, at the beginning. I was told, we Hobbits are strange creatures of habit. We enjoy the simplicity of life. But our love is in good tilled earth...  Who am I kidding?! Of course, a nice way to keep everyone updated is through this blog. And of course, what better way to do that than post a (not so recent) visit to Middle Earth to see Uncle Bilbo and cousin Frodo at the Shire. Admittedly December is a bit hot in Middle Earth, and enjoying it with cold pint at the tavern would be best.  All I can say, is nothing's changed much of the Shire. It's still the same well-loved Shire 138km from Aucklang. And yes, it seems Uncle Bilbo forgot to bring the laundry in to the house again :) love you Uncle! I missed Uncle Bilbo that day, because it seems he didn't want visitors unless it's on party business... Don't worry Uncle Bilbo, wil

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